Aadhaar Seeding - Seed Your Aadhar Card / Adhar Card with Pan Card , Bank Account , LPG Gas Connection , Passport and more . Aadhaar Seeding - Aadhar Link Pan Card Bank Account - Aadhaar seeding playing a major role now a days. In an india . Aadhar card is a basic need for everything. To get benefits from their state government and central government aadhar card linking ( aadhaar seeding ) is mandatory. Adhar Card seeding basically using for getting three benefits they are
- Pan Card
- Bank Account
- Ration Card
- Scholarship
- LPG Gas
In andhra pradesh state honorable chief minister Mr. Chandra Babu Naidu has issued a GO that includes Ration card seeding with aadhar card is mandatory . By doing this government has identified lot of bogus ration cards , saved government money. In soon Pensions plan too coming for aadhaar seeding. If its happen really the purpose of scheame will reach to elegible candidates . Especially in Jharkhand State There are two other benefits which are eligible to seed with aadhaar card . which are
1) Pensions
Steps To Aadhaar Card Seeding :
- Open https://rasf.uidai.gov.in/seeding/User/ResidentSelfSeedingpds.aspx
- Select Your State
- Select Your District
- Select Benefit Type
- Select Scheme Name
- Enter Email Id
- Enter Your Mobile Number ( You will Receive OTP )
- Enter Aadhar Card Number
- Click On Submit to finish Aadhaar Card Seeding
- Now you have successfully finished adhar card seeding process. Thank you for helping Digital India