Aadhaar Card Status - Aadhaar Status By SMS

UIDAI - Uidai gov in is the Unique Identification Authority Of India official Portal . By this website we can easily check UIDAI - Aadhar card status . In past articles we known how to check aadhar card status in online and how to check aadhaar card status through phone call. But in india lot of people dont have internet connection . Some of people dont know how to call to the customer care department and how to talk with them . 
Aadhar Card Status By SMS
Some people have language problems too. For the sake of all of them now i am going to give you a easiest way which involves just by sending one sms you will get your aadhar card status details in below one minute of time . So dear friends just have a look on the below details.  Here i am going to give you the step wise details in point wise so read the article fully with out missing any word for perfect results.

In my previous articles i told you how important is aadhar card in now a days . So make sure to get your eaadhaar in any one of the way . Already i gave details about how we can check our aadhaar card status by phone and online. Is time to know details through SMS . Lets have a look on below steps

Please note that to Check your aadhar card status here is one drawback which is you only have access by your registered mobile number. By having your aadhaar card registered mobile number this will be a simple way to have status .

Procedure To Check Aadhaar Card Status From Mobile SMS :

  • Take your mobile
  • Type UID STATUS < Enrolment Number >
  • Send It To 51969
For Ex : UID STATUS <12345678912345> like this and send it to 51969 
Now You have Successfully Done Your Work wait for the confirmation message from UIDAI authority about conformation of received your request. Please wait some time until a message reach your message box from the UIDAI department. Thanks for watching our Blog 
Check Aadhaar Card Status By Phone Call

tags : aadhar card status,aadhaar card status,adhar card status,Aadhaar status,aadhar card download,aadhar card update,aadhar card registration,uidai,uidai-gov-in,

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