DHSE Kerala Plus One Result 2025 - Allotment DHSE Kerala

Kerala Plus One result 2025 | Check Kerala Plus One Allotment 2025 @ dhse kerala gov in :
Kerala plus one Result 2025 / Kerala Plus One Allotment 2025 released now at DHSE Kerala Website @ dhsekerala.gov.in . Check Kerala HSCAP supplementary allotment released just a few minutes back at dhse Kerala board website which is popularly known as http:// dhsekerala.gov.in . Directorate of Higher Secondary Education Kerala board announced its HSC plus one allotment list for the Supplementary candidates. Kerala plus one Revaluation Result / supplementary Result allotment result is available at the above said website . So who want to heck their Kerala Plus One Allotment / Hscap Supplementary Allotment  are advised to check http://dhsekerala.gov.in website .
kerala plus one allotment Result - DHSE Kerala
Full details of this , Directorate of Higher Secondary Education Kerala board has released a notification for the admissions into HSC plus one. For this dhsc received 493 584 applications for plus one allotment to this academic year. But there are only 287 598 seats available in HSC Kerala . In last few days back the department of Higher Secondary Education dhsc Kerala has announced the first plus one supplementary allotment . In that who have not listed are we applied for HSCAP supplementary allotment . Now the dhsc declared that on July 15th the Kerala plus one supplementary allotment 2024 will be announced at board website. HSCAP is the single Window system for higher secondary admission .

Actually in few days back an official notification has releases from dhsc about the first allotment result. Those who have not at secured a seat from the previous merit list can can get admission in the second allotment list which is popularly known as supplementary allotment result in various colleges listed in the notification . It's already 98% of seats fill in the first list only 988 seats are available for the second allotment result. We request every candidate to check their name in the second allotment result through dhsekerala.gov.in website  .

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